Barley is used in the food and brewing industries and for the production of fodder. To grow malting barley, a special technology is used, which makes it possible to obtain grain with the specified characteristics. The cereal crop is widely used in the food industry, primarily for the production of beer. In addition, malting barley serves as a raw material for the production of malt extracts, confectionery products and pharmaceuticals. It finds application in agriculture, textile and paint industries.
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There are more than 100 varieties of malting barley, which are classified according to morphological characteristics and agrotechnical characteristics. Morphology refers to the structure of the ear, which can be two-row or six-row. The yield of an ear with two rows is 25–30 grains. Six-row malting barley varieties have higher yields. On average, one ear produces 30–60 grains of the same shape and size, which are excellent for producing high-quality malt.
According to agrotechnical characteristics, malting barley can be spring or winter. Varieties differ from each other in terms of sowing. Spring crops are sown from March to April, winter crops are sown from October to November. The sowing time is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of the region.
According to agrotechnical characteristics, malting barley can be spring or winter. Varieties differ from each other in terms of sowing. Spring crops are sown from March to April, winter crops are sown from October to November. The sowing time is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of the region.
Protein | 10,50% |
Humidity | 14,00% |
Weed impurities, total | 2,0% |
Grain impurities, total | 7,00% |
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